Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Summer Parasol

That's my grandmother, Florence Hubbard, (holding the second parasol on the right) at her Wellesley College Reunion.

I don't remember her, but the family cottage is full of her mementos.

Her school books, mostly on the subjects of Art and Natural History, have always resided on a shelf next to the fireplace. And in a dark corner in the hall, as if waiting for her return, is her parasol. It is there that I discovered it one summer, and it soon became a constant childhood companion. How did that fragile paper confection survive its career as a prop for my daily whirling, twirling and dancing on the lawn, fashion shows, theatre productions and dress-up parties? In quiet times, it shaded and guarded me from the noonday sun. This is one special family keepsake which will definitely not make this summer's garage sale. So its back to your corner, Dear Friend. Be patient, the next generation - little Emma, Mila or Lila Grace will soon discover your hiding place.

Still Whirling and Twirling,


  1. Hello Marjorie:
    What fun, and how interesting, are these discoveries of the past and which will, as you suggest, be there for future generations in their turn.

  2. hello marjorie

    Very nice pictures and also lovely blog.
    I become member of your blog.

    Sorry but my english is not so good...


    Marieke from belgium

  3. What a treasure to have the parasol and amazing books. The picture is priceless.

  4. Marjorie, how wonderful that you still have these keepsakes!

  5. Marjorie, I'd love to talk with you about your grandmother! Florence Hubbard went to Dana Hall School before she attended Wellesley, and the school is in the process of writing a history of the school. (Another English teacher and I are the co-authors.) In our archives we have some wonderful letters that Florence wrote home while at school, and we'd love to know more about what she did after college. And if you have other photos of her, we'd be SO happy! Could you email me at Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!
